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Who wrote the lyrics of the song Enas Enas?

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Who wrote the lyrics of the song Enas Enas? Empty Who wrote the lyrics of the song Enas Enas?

Message par من هو كاتب كلمات أغنية إن Sam 1 Juin - 12:55

كاتب كلمات أغنية إناس إناس هو الميموني صديق 
رويشة وناقشوها بمستشفي العسكري بالرباط حيت
 كان رويشة يعالج وزاره الميموني عبدالمالك

Who wrote the lyrics of the song Enas Enas?
The writer of the lyrics of the song Enas Enas is Al-Maimoni Siddiq Rawisha and they discussed her at the Military Hospital in Rabat Ruisha was treating his minister, Al-Maimoni Abdel-Malik

tag: inasinas,inas inas,mimouniabdelmalek,rouicha,folk,amazigh

من هو كاتب كلمات أغنية إن

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Who wrote the lyrics of the song Enas Enas? Empty Re: Who wrote the lyrics of the song Enas Enas?

Message par who wrote the ins inas ly Sam 1 Juin - 12:58

of course i know all of them,
mimouni and touicha it was on 2011

who wrote the ins inas ly

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Who wrote the lyrics of the song Enas Enas? Empty Re: Who wrote the lyrics of the song Enas Enas?

Message par Aokas Sam 14 Sep - 9:06

thanks to mimouni abdelmalek
le militant culturel benevole

Messages : 10
Points : 12
Date d'inscription : 28/07/2011

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Who wrote the lyrics of the song Enas Enas? Empty Re: Who wrote the lyrics of the song Enas Enas?

Message par Aokas Sam 14 Sep - 9:15

Aokas a écrit:thanks to mimouni abdelmalek
le militant culturel benevole

Who wrote the lyrics of the song Enas Enas? Inassi11

Messages : 10
Points : 12
Date d'inscription : 28/07/2011

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